
FlameGard DSH


● Excellent flame retardancy

● Dry hand

● Compatible with a wide range of latexes

● Soluble in water in all proportions

● Excellent durability to drycleaning


FlameGard DSH is a blend of inorganic flame retardant salts which produce a dry hand and is markedly less hydroscopic than most other flame retardant salts. It is recommended as a general purpose flame retardant effective on a wide range of fibers including cellulosics, synthetics and blends.


 Physical form



 water white

 Storage stability

 over 1 year


 6 ± 1

 Sp. gr

 10 lb/gal

 California Registraion #



 compatible with wide range of finishing chemicals but should be checked with  auxiliaries uses.



This will vary depending on fiber content, weight, construction, and most important flame test requirements. As a general recommendation to pass a 12 second ignition vertical flame test we suggest the following


 FlameGrad DSH

 J-Wet 19

 100% Acetate, Pe/Acetate, Pe/cotton



 100% Polyamide



 100% Cotton and Wool





All finishing auxiliaries should be added to at least 75% of required water, followed by addition of FlameGard DSH and the both brought to final dilution.



Application is made by padding followed by drying, no curing is necessary. If resins are used, no catalyst is required and normal resin curing conditions can be used.



Direct contact with skin or eyes may cause irritation. If this occurs, flush thoroughly with a gentle stream of water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention.

Small spill - mop up or absorb on inert material. Large spill - confine and collect. Disposal of this material, its mixtures, rinsings and spill residues must be in accordance with local state and federal regulation.

The usual precautions in keeping chemicals away from the skin and eyes, avoiding ingestion and prolonged inhalation of their vapors should be observed.

For more details on handling recommendations, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.



If exposed to temperatures below 32℉/0℃ for long periods, may freeze. If this occurs, allow to thaw at room temperature and mix well before using.

 NONWARRANTY : The suggestions and data in this bulletin are on information we believe to reliable. They are offered in good faith but without guarantee, conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. We recommend that the prospective user determine the suitability of our materials and suggestions on experimental basis before adopting them on a commercial scale.